Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vitamin E: Role in the Body & Benefits

Role in the Body
Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant, protecting cells from free radicals and oxidative damage. It is also important in maintaining the immune system, and making red blood cells. Vitamin E improves circulation, promotes wound healing and reduces scarring.

Dietary Sources
Vitamin E is found in many oils, including: wheat germ, hazelnut, sunflower, almond, safflower, soybean and peanut oils, as well as in whole grain cereals, eggs, peaches, avocados, and leafy greens.

Who Is at Risk for Deficiency?
You may be at risk if you suffer from Crohn's disease, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, or it you are on a very low-fat, low-calorie diet.

Higher doses of vitamin E may help to protect against heart disease, cancer, and cataracts, and boost the immune system.

Vitamin E supplements and iron supplements should not be taken together, as inorganic forms of iron destroy vitamin E.

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