Friday, December 19, 2008

Magnesium: Role in the Body & Benefits

Role in the Body
Magnesium is necessary for healthy bones and teeth, nerve transmission, muscle relaxation, and needed to produce hundreds of enzymes. It's involved in regulating blood pressure and keeps your heart beating. It also helps in calcium and potassium uptake.

Dietary Sources
Good sources include nuts, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, milk, soymilk, bananas, whole grains and seafood.

Who Is at Risk for Deficiency?
You may be at risk if you are an alcoholic, have diabetes, kidney disease, or have diarrhea, use laxatives often or vomit excessively (as in bulimia).

May prevent sudden heart attacks, heart arrhythmias, lower blood pressure, prevent and lessen the severity of asthma attacks, may help diabetics control their blood sugar, may reduce migraine attacks, and along with calcium and vitamin D, prevents osteoporosis.

At high doses magnesium can be toxic. If you suffer from congestive heart failure, you should not take magnesium supplements.

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